Persis Field Configurator

You are now in edit mode for this form. Hover the mouse over a field to edit the properties for this field.
Fields for which a configuration already exists are marked with a gear symbol. The ability to edit the form content has been temporarily deactivated.

With the Reset display button you can remove all existing configurations for this form.

You can view the page with the configuration of a different role. To do this, simply select a role and the preview will be updated directly. The configuration for PERSIS_DEFAULT is always displayed as standard.

Select a role that you wish to view the page in.
Datenbank-Felder anzeigen
Sie befinden sich in der Detailansicht dieser Seite. Zusätzlich zu den Bezeichnungen der Formularfelder werden auch die Bezeichnungen des zugehörigen Felds in der Datenbank angezeigt.
Mit dem Button Detailansicht verlassen kehren Sie zur normalen Ansicht der Seite zurück.


Please choose the sector and location of your favoured employment, complete the fields below (*fields = required) and attach the documents of your application (cover letter, curriculum vitae, certificates and, if applicable, a portfolio) in pdf-format. Each document must not exceed the maximum size of 5 MB. We look forward to your application!

I learned about HENN
Our privacy policy information for applicants can be found here.